Get Involved
SLYC - St. Luke’s Youth Center
The Church of the Good Shepherd partners with other Episcopal churches to support SLYC, an afterschool safe program that meets at St Luke’s Episcopal Church in West Baltimore. We provide homework help, read to the kids, play games, help with activities, prepare healthy snacks, and let the kids know they matter and that we care about them. The students are a real joy to work with; most have been in the program for several years and have participated in Camp Imagination and the Christmas Café.
There are flexible volunteer opportunities during the school year to mentor and share in activities with SLYC students Monday through Thursday 3pm – 5pm. If you are interested in helping out with these amazing kids, or would like to come for a visit, please contact Amanda Talbot.
SLYC Christmas Café
The Christmas Café takes place in December at Good Shepherd. Parishioners and SLYC families contribute gifts for children and adults in advance. On the day, SLYC families join for lunch; children and adults then “shop” for Christmas gifts for their parents and children. Volunteer sign up information will be available closer to the date.
Camp Imagination by SLYC
For two weeks in the summer, Good Shepherd hosts Camp Imagination for SLYC students and youth from our community. Kids enjoy a wide variety of activities and fellowship. Volunteer sign up information will be available closer to the date.
Loaves & Fishes
For over 30 years, our parish has been a partner in the Loaves and Fishes Ministry. Loaves and Fishes prepares and distributes food to the homeless during the winter months. We operate November through March. We get together in the Parish kitchen on Saturday afternoon and prepare hot soup, sandwiches, coffee, and hot chocolate to feed 250 people. We then take a van to Baltimore City for a few hours to distribute the food and beverages. We make scheduled visits to shelters, along with stops along the way in areas where the homeless frequent. We also have found a great need for blankets, coats, hats, gloves, scarves, socks and new underwear and have added a clothing drive to our mission. If you would like to get involved, we would love to have you! This is a truly rewarding experience and one that is greatly needed. Any help you can provide is appreciated. We especially need people to drive and/or ride in the van. Please contact Sara Noon, click here if you can help, or call at 410-292-2754.
ACTC - Assistance Center of Towson Churches
The Assistance Center of Towson Churches is located in downtown Towson and provides food, short-term housing support, clothing, medicine, and transportation to our neighbors in need in Baltimore County. Due to the current health crisis, ACTC is not currently allowing volunteers to work at the center, but there are other ways to help!
During non-COVID times, volunteers can work at the center. Throughout the year, it is rewarding to participate in food and clothing drives. To learn more, visit
Worship Ministries
Worship Leaders
Every Sunday readers, prayer leaders, acolytes, ushers and chalicists participate in creating our liturgy. All parishioners are invited to join in this vital ministry and leaders are scheduled in advance and online. If you are interested in this ministry, please email or call the church office at 410-823-0122. If you currently serve, click here to see or update the schedule.
Acolytes lead the congregation in worship, carry the cross and torches in procession, and help the priests at the altar. Acolytes get to learn why we do what we do and experience worship in a whole new way. Email the church for more information or to sign up.
Altar Guild
The altar guild prepares our space for worship every Sunday and for all worship services throughout the year. Teams work together to set-up, clean-up and arrange the flowers. Volunteers are always needed! Email the church to learn more.
Our choir sings regularly at the 10am service during the program year (Sept-June). Selections range from traditional to contemporary and while we have leaders in each section, volunteers 8th grade and up are always welcome! The choir rehearses on Thursday evenings from 7:15 to 9:00 pm. If you are interested in joining or learning more, please contact Kevin King, Choir Director.
Each week volunteers from our congregation run the livestream for parishioners who can’t be with us in person whether it be to health or schedule, or even location, the livestream brings the message directly to peoples hands and homes. If you are interested in learning more about this ministry or joining the team, please contact the church.
Children & Youth
Nursery Care
We offer nursery care for infants and preschool age children during our 10 am worship service.
Day School Chapel
Tuesdays the classes of Good Shepherd School meet with the clergy to talk about a story from the bible. We sing songs and learn about love and kindness in God’s creation.
Holy Baptism is a sacrament by which God welcomes new members into Christ’s Body, the Christian Church, and offers them a place in the reign of God as expressed through the Christian faith. The Christian Church calendar has four feast days on which Baptisms are especially appropriate. They are the Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord in January, the Easter Vigil in early spring, the Day of Pentecost in late spring, and All Saints’ Day in November. To schedule the Sacrament of Holy Baptism, please contact the Rev. Arianne Rice.
Confirmation is a sacrament where those baptized as infants or adults without the laying on of hands by a bishop make a public affirmation of their Christian faith and recommit themselves to their baptismal vows with the laying on of hands by a bishop.
Children's Chapel
Children will be invited to join one of the clergy for an accessible lesson and activity during the 10am.
Fellowship and Formation Ministries
Christian marriage is a covenantal relationship established when two individuals make solemn and public vows to one another in the presence of God and God’s people. By vows of lifelong faithfulness and mutual love, care and respect, the wedding couple becomes a sacrament, that is, “an outward and visible sign,” of God’s steadfast love. Those eligible to be married at Good Shepherd include any current member, family member who grew up in the parish, a newcomer who has been an active communicant for at least six months, or someone with pastoral connection to the parish. Pre-marital counseling sessions are required. Click here for more details.
Funerals / Memorial Services
The Liturgy of the Resurrection, also known as the Burial Office, is a liturgy of the Christian Church by which we commend a loved one who has died into the blessed rest of God’s eternal peace and affirm our belief that death is never the end as God promises new life in Christ. We offer companionship and prayer to those whose loved ones have died and will help in planning a funeral or memorial service. We also offer interment in our columbarium.
Our Hospitality Committee helps coordinate our fellowship gatherings, Sunday Coffee hours and our Cottage Suppers, which are small dinner gatherings for parishioners to get to know one another. Contact the church to get connected with the committee chair.